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RFID Book Management System

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1.1 Development and Application of RFID Libraries on a Global Scale

The application of RFID systems in libraries has a history of about 10 years. According to Checkpoint statistics, as of 2005, over 440 libraries worldwide had adopted RFID technology, and this number increased to 2000 in 2007.

The National Library of Singapore is one of the earliest representatives in Asia to use RFID technology. It can be said that using RFID in libraries is already a relatively mature product and is driving the development of library automation.

In China, the library of Chengyi College of Jimei University is the first library in China to deploy RFID system, which was put into use in February 2006. This is a milestone in the application of RFID in Chinese libraries. Its successful operation can provide reference for other libraries, which is of far-reaching significance. The new Shenzhen Library has also deployed an RFID system and opened for trial operation in July 2006. Both the National Library and Hangzhou Library conducted bidding for the RFID system project in early 2008, and the project deployment will be completed and put into use in 2008.

More and more libraries have recognized the changes that RFID brings to libraries. Most public libraries and university libraries in China have started planning RFID systems, such as Shanghai Pudong Library, Shanghai Library, Nanjing Library, Zhejiang Provincial Library, etc. Since the first RFID library began in 2006, there have been 12 RFID libraries in China.

Innovation brought by library RFID system

1.1 Simplify the borrowing and returning process

Although the existing borrowing and returning process has introduced a barcode scanning system, it still requires manual opening of the book title page and finding the barcode location before scanning the barcode. This operation process is relatively cumbersome and inefficient in borrowing and returning books. At the same time, barcodes are prone to damage and often require replacement if they cannot be read. This not only affects the efficiency of borrowing and returning books, but also affects readers' satisfaction with the library.

Therefore, it is urgent to introduce advanced reading and writing technology to achieve an intelligent book borrowing and returning process, improve the security of information storage, the reliability of information reading and writing, and the high-speed and fast borrowing and returning of books.

1.2 Reduce inventory and search workload

Relying on manual book inventory work results in a large workload and low efficiency. Administrators need to classify, place, and record books based on their own memory, which is time-consuming and difficult to achieve. Advanced technology needs to be introduced to achieve intelligent book inventory.

1.3 Improving the security of anti-theft systems

The accuracy of the existing library magnetic stripe anti-theft system is relatively low, and the magnetism of the magnetic stripe is easily weakened, so there is a high probability of causing false alarms and missed alarms. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the existing book anti-theft system and adopt more reliable anti-theft technology.

1.4 Changing the disconnect between borrowing management and security theft prevention

The anti-theft system of the library is still a Isolated system. Before returning and putting on the shelf, books need to be magnetized, and when lending, they need to be demagnetized. The workload is heavy, which directly affects the efficiency of book circulation and management. The inability to record information about stolen books while detecting theft has a significant impact on the daily inventory and replenishment of books.

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the existing management system by linking the anti-theft system with the book circulation management system, recording the entry and exit history of each book, so that it can be matched with the borrowing and returning history.

1.5 Improving the satisfaction of library staff

Library staff, due to years of repetitive work and the heavy workload of library work itself, are prone to develop certain negative thoughts about library work; Due to management deficiencies, library managers have also been greatly troubled, and readers have expressed dissatisfaction with the library, resulting in a decrease in the satisfaction of library staff with library work. Through technological transformation of the library management system, technical means can be used to compensate for management deficiencies, while liberating staff from the heavy and repetitive work of the library in daily life.

1.6 Improve readers' satisfaction with borrowing and returning books

Readers often have dissatisfaction with libraries, mainly due to the following reasons:

1) The efficiency of borrowing and returning books is low, the waiting time in line is too long, and unnecessary waste of time leads to dissatisfaction among readers;

2) The barcode cannot be read during book borrowing and returning, which increases the waiting time for readers and leads to dissatisfaction;

3) Due to the lack of effective means to inventory books in the library, readers found a certain book in the collection through the query system, but it took a long time to find it. The reason may be that the book was stolen, but the management system did not accurately record it, resulting in readers being dissatisfied with the library;

Through the above analysis, it can be concluded that many problems in current library management work, as well as many inconveniences for readers to borrow and return books, are caused by the shortcomings of the barcode technology currently used. If RFID is used, many functions that barcode technology cannot achieve can be achieved, thereby improving the functionality and reliability of the library's management system.

System construction objectives

Build an RFID library. The RFID system is used to identify, track, and protect all materials in the library, achieving unmanned borrowing and returning of books, intelligent sorting, searching, and collection inventory, with the aim of greatly improving the efficiency of library data processing.

Equipment introduction

UHF(VANCH  EPC Class1 Gen2)electronic label

Specification Description




Physical property






operation temperature

-40°C to 65°C (-40°F to 149°F)

Storage temperature

-40°C to 80°C (-40°F to 176°F)

protection grade




EPC Class1 Gen2



Frequency band



EAS Anti theft function


Library specific, label printing content can be customized according to customer requirements. The surface coating, surface material, and adhesive of the label adhesive are specially selected for book needs, and sparse coupling RFID label chips that comply with EPC G2 and ISO18000-6c standards are selected.

1.1 Layer labels (book shelf layer labels, shelf labels)


Figure (4.2) RFID layer labels for books (85mm * 25mm)



Figure (4.3) RFID shelf label for books (90mm × 60mm)


Product description

Special label for anti electromagnetic shielding, used for precise positioning of books

1.2 RFID library card


Figure (4.4) Library RFID library card


Product description

The RFID library card uses a card with an embedded RFID tag, which can write and read basic information of readers multiple times in the storage chip of the RFID tag. It is used for circulation, borrowing, and identification of readers.



Figure (4.5) RFID Book Label Conversion Station


Product description

This device is mainly used by the literature processing department to read and write information on RFID tags and RFID library cards. It can be written into RFID tags after identifying and converting barcodes.



Figure (4.6) Intelligent Safety Door

Product description

The RFID security detection door is a system device that scans and securely identifies circulating literature with RFID tags. It is used by the circulation department to control the security of circulating literature and achieve the purpose of theft prevention and monitoring. The device system judges the status of literature carried close to the person and loaded into the backpack (whether borrowing procedures have been processed) to achieve anti-theft and monitoring purposes.



Figure (4.7) Librarian Workstation

Product description

The librarian workstation is the most important interface between the library and readers, and can perform book management operations such as borrowing, returning, label generation, and modification. The workbench adopts an integrated and personalized design, and the wiring of the workbench equipment components adopts a hidden installation. The appearance of the workbench can be customized according to customer needs. The workbench provides comprehensive middleware support, which can achieve seamless connection with the library management system and the one card system. The workbench equipment components include: RFID distance book label reader and supporting antenna, book barcode reader, and administrator workstation.

1.5 Loan and return equipment


Figure (4.8) Indoor Self Loan and Return Equipment

Product description

Self service return equipment is a device system that can scan, identify, and return circulation literature with RFID tags. It is used for readers to return and renew self-service circulation literature, making it convenient for readers and staff to return and renew circulation literature.

1.6 Self service return equipment


Figure (4.9) Outdoor 24-hour self-service book return equipment

Product description

The 24-hour return device is a device system that can scan, identify, and return circulation literature with RFID tags. It is used for readers to return and renew self-service circulation literature, making it convenient for readers and staff to return and renew circulation literature.

1.7 Intelligent Librarian Assistant


Figure (4.10) Mobile Intelligent Librarian Assistant

Product description

Equipped with intelligent auxiliary functions such as shelving, inventory, sorting, and rewinding. 



Figure (4.11) Portable Intelligent Librarian Assistant


Product description

Small in size and easy to carry, it has functions such as intelligent assistance in shelving, inventory, sorting, and rewinding.

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